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Practice areas

Below, our main though not exclusive areas of expertise and experience.

Space domain

Our skills

New talents have joined the Custax & Legal teams, including engineers and legal experts with extensive operational experience of the space sector, acquired with the major historical players, and able to support all companies (start-ups, SMEs, ETIs, major accounts, agencies, etc.) in this high-tech sector.

Advice, operations and training

  • Unique knowledge of current Space: legal, operations, business engineering, commercial sector, financing, etc.
  • Space law and regulations (data, technologies, equipment, instruments, components, payloads, platforms, ground segments, etc.)
  • Help with optimising/organising or setting up an Export Control department or outsourcing the EC Space Officer function
  • Support for sales teams interfacing with potential customers
  • Determination of standard contractual clauses, contract reviews, specific legal assistance for negotiations with customers or institutional agencies
  • Educational approach to customers to introduce Export Control and other applicable requirements (DCS, CNR, Conditions, etc.)
  • Support for implementation of compliance with the French Space Operations Act (LOS) and applicable specificities of the LPM.
  • Operational expertise on the Law on Space Operations “Images” and the monitoring of requirements applicable to primary data operators
  • Operational interface with the Office of Space Affairs (BAS) of the SGDSN
  • Support for “technical” classifications in relation to AMA regulations specific to Space, as well as other regulations (Military, Dual-Usage, ANSSI, etc.), in interface with the DGA-DICE
  • Preparation of files justifying classifications or requests for classification.
  • Support in drafting applications for authorisations or licenses 
  • Assistance in authorisation applications (Sigale, Egide, ANSSI, etc.)
  • Support for industrial and licensing strategy (impact of regulations on technological or supplier choices)
  • Assistance in obtaining and monitoring license conditions:
    • Practical interpretation of requirements 
    • Transposition of requirements into security needs or operations
    • Monitoring of implementation and realisation (including technical) of conditions
    • Definition of Launching Campaign Security Plans
    • Information Security Assurance Plans (PASI),
    • Condition Compliance Plans
    • etc.
  • Training in regulations as they apply to the space sector – Expertise in relation to customs aspects, taxes, etc. in the sector
  • Support for launching campaigns, qualification campaigns or tests outside national territory.
  • Dedicated support for activities in the United States (regulations, authorisations, security, etc.):
    • Design, manufacture, production, assembly
    • Launching campaign, launch, etc.
    • Interface with DoD/BIS and DoC
    • Regulations: US ITAR/EAR, IA-PRE (SatCOM Security), etc.
    • Permanent representatives in the USA (Washington DC.)

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